Movie Review: Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)

Spider Far Poster The gang are back but with some new faces in new locations and with new Spidey Suits

Stars: Zendaya, Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jon Favreau, Samuel L Jackson, Jacob Batalon
Jon Watts

Be sure to check out the review for the first film too:
Spider Home banner


Synopsis: After the events of Endgame and the 5 years that people have named the Blip, Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is trying desperately to have a break from the superhero thing, be a normal teenager, ask out a girl he likes, take a school trip to Europe  and also mourn the death of his mentor and friend. But of course the world isn’t going to let him have it that easy so when big bads appear and bring chaos to his school trip, Peter must don the Spider Suit again and team up with Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) and a new person of power he has on his side, Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal). Continue reading Movie Review: Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)

Movie Review: Velvet Buzzsaw (2019)

buzzsawFamous art piece or not, I will never stick my hand into any sort of random hole and this movie shows my very sensible reason why.

Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Zawe Ashton, Toni Collette, Natalia Dyer, John Malkovich
Dan Gilroy

Synopsis: In the competitive land or art and art critics, a woman working within a top studio discovers a large number of paintings by an unknown artist in her building. Anyone who lays eyes on them is instantly drawn in and suddenly they are the talk of the town and everyone must have one. Popularity soars until people start mysteriously dying and it becomes apparent that the paintings may not be just oil and canvas after all. Continue reading Movie Review: Velvet Buzzsaw (2019)