Movie Review: Velvet Buzzsaw (2019)

buzzsawFamous art piece or not, I will never stick my hand into any sort of random hole and this movie shows my very sensible reason why.

Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Zawe Ashton, Toni Collette, Natalia Dyer, John Malkovich
Dan Gilroy

Synopsis: In the competitive land or art and art critics, a woman working within a top studio discovers a large number of paintings by an unknown artist in her building. Anyone who lays eyes on them is instantly drawn in and suddenly they are the talk of the town and everyone must have one. Popularity soars until people start mysteriously dying and it becomes apparent that the paintings may not be just oil and canvas after all.

Opinion: Wow! I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this film, all I know was the trailer hooked me and I had to watch it….hmmm this seems eerily similar to how people in the film react to the paintings, should I be concerned?! Anyway, Velvet Buzzsaw brilliantly paints (LOL see what I did there) a gritty and seemingly very accurate picture of the competitive, back stabbing and greedy world of art. With a wonderful collection of characters, played by a stellar cast I mean Rene Russo, John Malkovich, (steal my heart) Jake Gyllenhaal and Tony Colette, every scene pops off the screen with some incredible performances. While it is a bit slow at times, it never feels dull or unnecessary rather it is exactly how one would experience art in a gallery with time to absorb and enjoy what is being shared with them. This is mixed in with a constant creepy and sinister undertone making you feel unsure and on edge at the perfect moments all while getting you ready for some horrible yet very creative death scenes. Overall, this movie was everything I had hoped it would be and my patient waiting for it to become available on Netflix to watch was totally worth it.

Scare Factor: While this isn’t a straight up horror and is in reality much more of a thriller, it still has a couple of jump worthy moments, but the driving force is the constant sinister feeling you get coupled with some really creepy scenes



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